GROWING UNDER PRESSURE Opening Prayer Dear God, Most Holy and Most High, I come to you in the merits of him who died that I might live. Read 1 SAMUEL 22 David at Adullam and...
GRACIOUS PROVISION Opening Prayer Holy God, may I look at the past with thanksgiving, the present with faith, and the future with hope. Read 1 SAMUEL 21 David at Nob 21 [a]David went to Nob, to Ahimelek...
COSTLY COMMITMENT 2 Opening Prayer Loving Father, I thank you today for my new life in Christ, and for the love that gave it. Read 1 SAMUEL 20:24-42 24 So David hid in the field, and...
COSTLY COMMITMENT 1 Opening Prayer Lord, your power made all things; your wisdom governs them; your grace sustains them. Grant me your power, wisdom, and grace. Read 1 SAMUEL 20:1-23 David and Jonathan 20 Then David...
Many ways are available when raising a structure without injuries using a Scaffolding System. Read on to find out which ones might work best for your construction work or any project you have at...